[WEB4LIB] Re: managed collection of sites

Paul Taylor ptaylor at tln.lib.mi.us
Tue Sep 17 15:05:48 EDT 2002

We do not offer internet in the youth section of our library. We require a 
parent to sit with the child at all times at the Adult internet stations. Of 
course, this was done in order to comply with a law passed in Michigan in 
2000, but it eliminates the problem mentioned here.


On Tuesday 17 September 2002 02:41 pm, Dan Lester wrote:
> Tuesday, September 17, 2002, 10:01:59 AM, you wrote:
> RB> Recently we had issues with a couple of kids accessing porn sites on
> RB> machines in the Youth Services Dept. (Ah, sweet innocent youth! :)) Our
> YS RB> Librarians decided that they wanted to go to a managed collection of
> URLs. RB> They identified about 1200 sites they want to include.
> Welcome to the world of filtering.  As you can see, it is a bottomless
> pit.
> Have your colleagues considered dealing with this in a
> non-technological way?  Maybe kids who surf porn should be banned from
> the library, have a letter sent to parents, be beaten with an old
> encyclopedia volume, or something else.  Technology is NOT always the
> best answer.  As we're fond of telling folks here, "That's not a
> technology problem, that's a management problem."
> dan

Paul Taylor
Computer Coordinator
Salem-South Lyon District Library
9800 Pontiac Trail
South Lyon, MI 48178

248-437-6431 phone
248-437-6593 fax

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