Learning curve: HTML or WYSIWYG

Chris Murphy chrism at thecommunitylibrary.org
Mon Oct 29 13:43:37 EST 2001

Isabel Danforth wrote:
> I really like to use Arachnophilia www.arachnoid.com

I agree Arachnophilia would be a good choice for the text editor. Its easy to understand buttons insert tags quickly, so you can type less and talk more about HTML.

For a quick, easy, free WYSIWYG editor, I suggest Netscape Composer 6.1. It comes bundled with the browser, is straight forward, has big icons for common tasks (e.g., tables and images), and has on screen tabs to enable quick switching among WYSIWYG, tag icon, HTML source, and browser preview modes.

Chris Murphy

Christopher Murphy
Information Systems Manager
The Community Library, Ketchum, Idaho
chrism at thecommunitylibrary.org
(208) 726-3493 x111

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