[WEB4LIB] Browser opened by MS Word

Chris Murphy chrism at thecommunitylibrary.org
Thu Jun 14 11:01:47 EDT 2001

Jerry Kuntz wrote:
> ...patrons have been able to get around browsing controls we've put on the Netscape js.prefs files by opening up word, typing a URL in a new document, and clicking on it. That opens up IE...
> ...Any way to shut off the links in Word?

We use two solutions:

1) Rename iexplore.exe to disabled_iexplore.exe.

2) Use the commercial product WinSelect v5.0 (http://www.hypertec.com) to control IE (and Navigator, too). Note: we used method 1) with earlier versions of WinSelect because they did not control IE very well, but v5.0 seems to work very well.

Feel free to email me directly if you want more details.

Best regards,

Chris Murphy

Christopher Murphy
Information Systems Manager
The Community Library, Ketchum, Idaho
chrism at thecommunitylibrary.org
(208) 726-3493 x111

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