Input solicited for column on Public Web Browser

Karen G. Schneider kgs at
Sat Feb 17 07:55:58 EST 2001

For my next column in American Libraries, I'll be discussing the Public Web
Browser, a piece of software which modifies Internet Explorer to make it
more compatible with public-use environments.  Space permitting, I may also
write about other means for securing browsers in public environments.

Are you using Public Web Browser?  (If so, if you could provide version,
operating system, etc.)  Do you have success stories (or did it not work
well for you)?  Have you used other means (NT permissions, security software
such as Fortres and Cooler, etc.) to secure Explorer or Netscape?

If you aren't familiar with Public Web Browser, go to:

(Small testimonial: we deployed it at our library about a month ago, on four
new machines, and it works great.  Barring any new performance issues, and
assuming it continues to be a live project of Teamsoft, when it's time to
update other machines with service packs et al., we'll add PWB to them too.)

Karen G. Schneider kgs at
Assistant Director for Technology
Shenendehowa Public Library, NY

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