Promoting library classes

Roy Tennant roy.tennant at
Fri Sep 1 13:28:59 EDT 2000

Those of us who working at college and university libraries are once 
again victims of a perennial phenomenon, wherein large numbers of 
ever-younger people start flooding our places of employment. Besides 
taking our table at our favorite coffee shop, they wander into our 
work spaces with blank looks on their faces. In a feeble attempt to 
wipe that blank look from their faces, we painstakingly prepare 
various courses and drop-in sessions to try to explain why it's so 
darn hard to use our systems and collections. It would be very 
gratifying if someone showed up. That's why I was happily surprised 
to stumble across this imaginative and funny way to promote those 
classes that we all too often promote with rather feeble publicity 
attempts. Please see:

Then imagine what is interesting and important to the 
seventeen-year-olds who are now invading your space. You can bet it 
isn't the library catalog, but if you can just get them in the door, 
they'll be too embarrassed to get up and leave after you start 

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