Why do children like big type?

Hanan Cohen hanan at qglibrary.org.il
Tue Mar 28 00:43:40 EST 2000

I am working in a library. We offer PC's for typing homework and PC's
for web surfing. Here are some observations I have accumulated during my
work here.

I have noticed that children like to see BIG type on their screens and

When starting a new document, a child would first change the type size
to 20 or more. Only then he/she would start typing. (The default type
size in our templates is 12 points.) They want to "fill" the pages with
their text.

Whenever they can, children will change the screen resolution to
640X480. They like to see BIG text on their screen. They don't care that
they see less information. They don't mind scrolling. They don't care
the low-res is low-tech.

It seems that when children see BIG, they feel that they get "more
value". They "love" the opportunity to make things bigger, thus better.

Because I am responsible for setting up the computers in the library, I
have set them up according to MY preferences (hi-res=more
information=small text). I have also designed the library's web site to
be better seen using 800X600 (640X480 optional).

I wonder if I should try to "educate" children to "see small" or setup
the computers according to their preferences.

(cross posted to chi-web and web4lib)
Hanan Cohen - http://www.info.org.il
***Love and Peace***

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