[WEB4LIB] internal error in Windows Internet extensions

Hagen Amen hagena at nethost.multnomah.lib.or.us
Thu Mar 16 13:25:05 EST 2000

Quickly, 'cause I have to run to the next job site, but we had this
exact problem with some new Gateway Profile 1 computers. We 'solved' it
by installing SP6a.

It seemed that it couldn't do DNS queries at all.

On Thu, 16 Mar 2000, Thomas Edelblute wrote:

> I have two brand new Gateway PCs that I am trying to set up for public
> access Internet.  However, IE and Netscape refuse to connect to any
> site.
> IE 4 is giving the message:
> Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site [name of site]
> An internal error occurred in the Windows Internet extensions.
> Netscape 4.5 is giving the massage
> Netscape is unable to locate the server [name of site]
> Please check the server name and try again.
> We have tried several different sites and verified that they do come up
> on other computers.
> I have gone over the TCP/IP setting and brought outside help and we
> cannot figure anything out.
> One of the currious symptoms is that when we do a tracert
> www.anaheim.net the PCs in question cannot resolve the address, but when
> we tracert it completes the trace route just fine.  I can
> also bing by IP but not by name.
> Has anyone ever seen anything like this before?
> Thomas Edelblute
> Anaheim Public Library

Hagen Amen
Network Analyst
Multnomah County Library

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