Includes and speech synthesizers

Mark Gooch Mark.Gooch at
Tue May 11 11:11:43 EDT 1999

I'm working on a text-oriented version of our new web site in order to
make it more accessible to disabled users.  I plan on having a standard
menu of links at the bottom of each page.  I'm wondering if I can do
this as a server side  include and whether this will be a problem for
speech synthesizers.  Does anyone know the answer to this?


Mark D. Gooch                                Cleveland State University
Government Information Librarian   1801 Euclid Ave.
Cleveland-Marshall Law Library     Cleveland, Ohio  44115
(216)687-5579  Voice                    (216)687-5098  Fax
                            Mark.Gooch at

"I guess we still have some bugs to work out,"
 --Bill Gates at Comdex 98 in Chicago as Windows98 crashed on him

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