Optimizing Images on the Web

Donald Barclay donaldb at library.tmc.edu
Fri Jan 29 14:09:28 EST 1999

My library's new homepage looks nice, but I've had reports that the images 
on it are slow to load for some folks. I would like to find some way of 
optimizing the images (making them small) without damaging the quality of 
the images.

Has anyone on the list had experience with this? Any software product you 
would recommend?

I searched the Web4Lib archives, but I couldn't find anything on this 
topic. Thanks for any help.

By the way, our homepage URL is: www.library.tmc.edu.

Donald A. Barclay
Houston Academy of Medicine-
Texas Medical Center Library 
                                         always the beautiful answer
donaldb at library.tmc.edu                                                who 
asks the more beautiful question
e. e. cummings

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