[WEB4LIB] Netscape Pop-up window

Denise Snoe dsnoe at tscpl.lib.ks.us
Tue Aug 24 10:22:40 EDT 1999

> Date:          Tue, 24 Aug 1999 08:06:45 -0700 (PDT)
> Reply-to:      jo6 at evansville.edu
> From:          "John D. Orsborn" <jo6 at evansville.edu>
> To:            Multiple recipients of list <web4lib at webjunction.org>
> Subject:       [WEB4LIB] Netscape Pop-up window

>   I have searched the Web4lib archive for this, but was unable to find any
> information.  Can anyone tell me if it is possible to create a Netscape
> pop-up window which would give a brief Internet use policy statement
> before Netscape completes its execution.  Any ideas will be greatly
> appreciated.  John D. Orsborn
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> John D. Orsborn
> Reference Librarian                             "Please watch out for each
> The University of Evansville                     other and love and
> 1800 Lincoln Avenue                              forgive everybody.  It's
> Evansville, IN 47722                             good life, enjoy it."
> 						~~~~~~ Jim Henson ~~~~~~
It consists of three parts   agree.html  (the Java window 
code) agree2.html (the page you see in window)  and the index.html 
(the page that is the actual start page) in that sub-directory.  It 
is Java based doesn't save any of the information from the form input 
and yes you can simply close it with the X in the corner.
Except for the X closing it is what management wanted. 

<script type="text/javaScript">
NewWindow = window.open('/library/kids/agree2.html',
th,');</SCRIPT type="text/javascript"> </HEAD> </head> <body> &nbsp;
</body> </html>
the java from Agree2.html

<SCRIPT type="text/javascript">

  var OnTop = true;
              function ChangeOnTop()
                      if (OnTop) OnTop = false; 
                      else if (!OnTop)
                      OnTop = true;
               function FocusMe()
                       if (OnTop) setTimeout("self.focus()",250);


if you want to take a look at the pages themselves you will have to 
open them in an editor.  
Denise Snoe
dsnoe at tscpl.lib.ks.us
Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library
1515 SW 10th Avenue
Topeka, KS   66604-1374

Voice (913) 231-0569  Fax (913) 233-2055

Standard Caveats apply

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