Usage stats on the WWW

Andrea Peterson apeterso at
Mon Nov 2 09:03:16 EST 1998

Hello all,

I went through the archives again and found a bit  of discussion on
gathering useful stats on WWW usage.  A lot of people felt strongly that
counters generate meaningless numbers and we ought to be able to find
better ways to generate statistics on the use of our WWW resources.  This
discussion was over a year ago, and I was hoping some of you have found an
accurate way to generate meaningful numbers and would be willing to share
this information with me :-D

As we look at moving many of our print and CD subscription to the WWW, I
have been asked to find a way to count the amount of usage these databases
will receive. Even if I set up a counter to generate numbers, I am not sure
how I can get the counter to count individual databases.  Are any of you
doing this?  Any suggestions would be appreciated.  

>:-I  :-)  ;-)  8-)  =:-)  ;-P  >:->  :-0  :-D  >:-I

Andrea Peterson        apeterso at
Automation Systems Librarian
San Antonio College Library / LRC
1001 Howard St.
San Antonio, TX  78212
Phone:(210) 733-2669      FAX:(210) 733-2597 

>:-I  :-)  ;-)  8-)  =:-)  ;-P  >:->  :-0  :-D  >:-I

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