Sex & the Search Engine

Michael Sauers msauers at
Fri Jan 23 13:07:41 EST 1998

I just did a basic serahc on "superbowl" in AltaVista and received the
following results (first 10):

1. TeleHobbies Racing / Superbowl Speedway Race Results
2. TeleHobbies Racing / Superbowl Points Totals
3. ? vs ? in the Superbowl 98
4. Dave During Superbowl
5. Terry During Superbowl
6. Dave's Brother Calls After Superbowl
7. Dallas Cowboys/Superbowl 1995
8. 1996 Superbowl Party
9. TeleHobbies Racing / Superbowl Speedway Race Results
10. "Bearable Times" Superbowl

No unrelated sites here.  Is there something I'm doing "wrong" since I
don't seem to be retrieving the sex stuff?

Michael Sauers					         msauers at
Internet Trainer			(personal)
Bibliographic Center for Research (BCR)	          (business)
     All opinions expressed are just my own unless otherwise noted.

> I tried the search you described below.  I can't even locate "superbowl" 
> in the HTML code of some of these sites.  The third "relevant" site in
> AltaVista (free nude celebs at
> does not have "superbowl" in the code -- anywhere. Up to now, I've at
> least been able to provide users with a logical explanation for why they
> get sex when they ask for superbowl (meta tags, white words on a white
> background, etc.).  What's up here? 
> > 
> > This morning I attempted a standard AltaVista search on "superbowl."
> > I queried for hits from 21/Dec/97 and later.
> > 
> > For "superbowl" none of the top 5 sites had anything significant to do with
> > this year's superbowl.  Two of the top five hits were sites offering
> > subscriptions to nude picture archives.

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