cyberfiltering: just say no

Steve Hooley! hooleyss at
Mon Apr 28 08:51:26 EDT 1997

        I use 'em at home to keep my 12-year-old off the porn sites but I
can't really defend 'em in a library. Hard to defend the nudie-mongers as
info unless you're doing a report on internet porn. 
        I DO STRONGLY suggest that we try to keep this discussion civil -
lose the personalities and stick to issues. Thanx for all the interest and
discussion on this thorny issue.

At 09:56 PM 4/26/97 -0700, you wrote:
>DBurt has dropped the challenge. He says that more and more librarians are
>speaking up in favor of filtering (whether or not we know or care what the
>filter providers think is worthy of filtering).
>I, and I believe others, have dropped out of this fight because it's obvious
>that people like DBurt and Ronnie Morgan think cybercensorship is a Good Thing
>(tm) and none of us are going to convince them otherwise.
>Unfortunately, we're giving the wrong impression by not arguing. "Keep up the
>fight, we're winning" says DBurt. So, for the record: I think cyberfiltering
>is the wrong thing to do on public Internet terminals. Anybody else?
>Jennifer Heise,                             Net: jahb at    \
>Senior Specialist, Web Management, LUIR     Phone:(610)758-3072   / /
>Linderman Library (30), Lehigh University, Bethlehem PA 18015     \
>My opinions are my own. No one else would HAVE them anyway.
>"We are often considered society's gatekeepers, but librarians are actually
>the gateways. We are the one profession dedicated to ensuring the right to
>know. We must never lose sight of this mission despite the seductive siren
>songs of our information age's mythology." --  Patricia Glass Schuman

|   Stephen S. Hooley         |  Statesboro Ga
|  Romulan Tech Assistant     |  Home of the
|    Henderson Library        |  Statesboro 
|"It's Only a Job Description"|  Blues
| Georgia Southern University |
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