IASL-ATLC Conference Early Bird Deadline

Angela Thacker Angela_Thacker at mindlink.bc.ca
Wed Apr 2 23:02:42 EST 1997

To: Subscribers to the following listservs:

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        From:  Angela Thacker

        Date:  April 2, 1997

        Re: IASL//ATLC Conference, Vancouver, Canada, July 6-11, 1997

        The following News Release is being sent to all subscribers to the
        above listservs and to those individuals with known e-mail
        addresses, who are members of IASL or ATLC, or who have
        requested a Conference Registration Package.  Please forgive the
        duplication that is bound to occur.

                          BRIDGING THE GAP:

          An international conference, sponsored jointly by
   The International Association of School Librarianship (IASL) and the
          Association for Teacher-Librarianship in Canada (ATLC),
                            to be held in
                Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
                          July 6 to 11, 1997

                 News Release No. 5 (April 2, 1997)


A reminder that by registering for the IASL-ATLC Conference
by May 10, IASL and ATLC members will pay only Can$350.00 and
non-members only Can$400.00.  After that date, the registration
fees will both increase by Can$75.00.

Complete Registration Packages were mailed to all IASL and ATLC
members (and to those who had already requested one) in
February, 1997.  Non-members may request a Registration
Package by sending name, address, telephone number, fax number
and e-mail address to:
Lynne Lighthall, Conference Coordinator,
4093 West 14th Avenue, Vancouver, BC Canada V6R 2X3
Voice: 604 822-2704; Fax: 604 822-6006;
e-mail:iaslatlc at unixg.ubc.ca

For current information, visit the conference web site at

Electronic registration for the Conference and bookings for
accommodation on the UBC campus may be made through the
UBC web site at http://www.conferences.ubc.ca/register.html

Angela Thacker,
Executive Assistant,
Association for Teacher-Librarianship in Canada (ATLC)
Tel: (604) 987-4734; Fax: (604) 986-3018
e-mail for ATLC business: angela_thacker at mindlink.bc.ca
e-mail for IASL/ATLC Conference (July, 1997) information:
iaslatlc at unixg.ubc.bc

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