Java, Blacbird and The Future of the Web ...

Marc Salomon marc at
Mon Nov 20 15:08:54 EST 1995

|Every time I comment on the lack of development or support for applications
|for Windows for Workgroups, I keep getting told to awitch to Linux.  I am NOT
|switching to an obscure version of UNIX for my PC. I HATE TO USE THE EUNUCHS

I was introduced to our staff as a eunuch software engineer when I first came
on here.

First of all Unix is the only proven, modular and most importantly open
preemptive multitasking operating system.  This means that if you are going to
serve up anything that requires any work on the part of your server, that a
unix os (Linux--not at all obscure) with its native and debugged TCP/IP will
perform better than any MacOS or the latest MicroSoft OS.

Its not a matter of Unix chauvanism, rather of the technical superiority of an
open system with native networking and preemitive multitasking contrasted to a
closed, proprietary legacy-based system with networking and multitasking added
as an afterthought.

If it makes you feel better, Netscape has made noises that it won't support


Marc Salomon

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