Library supply order/tracking software

Vinke, Dana DVinke at TORRANCECA.GOV
Mon Jun 20 13:02:35 EDT 2016


Can anyone recommend software for tracking supply orders?

I am interested in automating our library supply orders (e.g. book plates, barcodes, genre labels). Currently we track supply orders via triplicate paper forms.

The ideal software would be something we could input standard library supplies, track orders and fulfillment, and retain statistics. The software would not need to interact with our existing financial since we have existing software for that.

We have experimented with Google Docs for this, but it doesn't have the infrastructure we are looking for.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Dana Vinke
Dana Vinke | Principal Librarian of Operations| Torrance Public Library | 3301 Torrance Blvd., Torrance, CA 90503 |310.618.5955 voice | 310.618.5952 FAX | DVinke at TorranceCa.<mailto:dvinke at>Gov | www.Library.TorranceCa.Gov<>


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