IFLA Satellite Meeting: Dublin Core @ 21

DCMI Announce announce at DUBLINCORE.NET
Wed Jul 27 13:33:22 EDT 2016

*====== Apologies for Cross Posting **======*

*Registration is now open for:*

*Dublin Core @ 21*

*Satellite meeting of the 2016 IFLA World Library and Information Congress
(13-19 August, 2016 in Columbus, Ohio, USA) *

The event is co-sponsored by:

   - IFLA Information Technology Section
   - DCMI (The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative)


Friday, August 19, 2016 from 11:30 AM to 7:00 PM (EDT)


The Conference Center at OCLC

(Lakeside Room) 6600 Kilgour Place, Dublin, OH 43017

*Official Schedule:*




($85 including lunch and afternoon break. Note: a complimentary reception
will follow the event)

*Transportation and Hotel Information*:


(including discounted hotels in Dublin)


*Dublin Core @ 21* celebrates DC's amazing 21 year history.

The Dublin Core originated in 1995 at a meeting at OCLC. This special event
will bring a historical view from people who were there when the Web was
young, and Dublin Core was new and evolving rapidly.

The Web does not stand still. Presentations will provide information on the
latest metadata standards-related work underway by DCMI (The Dublin Core
Metadata Initiative) and OCLC's current work with metadata models,
standards, and technologies advancing the state of the art for libraries
and archives.

Presenters and others in attendance will include metadata experts with long
ties to Dublin Core including several who were at the original invitational
meeting in 1995. A panel discussion will permit speakers and attendees to
reflect on activities and trends past and present, and project what the
future will look like.



Tour of OCLC (optional) [see
http://2016.ifla.org/programme/library-visits/local-library-visits ]






Welcome and Opening presented by May Chang and Thom Hickey


The Geeks, the Freaks, and the People with Sensible Shoes: Reflections on
the origins of the Dublin Core / presented by Stuart Weibel


Linked Data for Professional Education (LD4PE) project  /presented by Mike


>From Dublin Core to Linked Data: Some Milestones in OCLC's Journey Beyond
MARC  /presented by Jean Godby


Dublin Core at 21: Personal reflections / presented by Stuart Sutton


Panel Discussion (The day's speakers & others with Dublin Core stories to


Closing remarks / presented by Joseph T. Tennis, DCMI Governing Board Chair


Reception (sponsored by OCLC)

Attendees are invited to attend a complimentary wine & appetizer reception
and special unveiling following the presentation portion of the day.


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