New Job Position: Senior Digital Products Manager

Alvare, Luz Marina (IFPRI) l.alvare at CGIAR.ORG
Fri Apr 1 12:24:00 EDT 2016

The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) is seeking a qualified candidate to serve as Senior Digital Products Manager to drive the process for Web projects for its Communications and Knowledge Management Division.  The successful candidate will be responsible for increasing the efficiency of digital projects and will oversee Web content, lead a small technical web team and work closely with research divisions to produce a variety of communications and knowledge management tools, expand IFPRI's utilization of relevant social and scholarly network platforms, and foster development of open data resources. Specific duties include to lead the process of web updates and drive organizational online communications alignment between research divisions and other departments of the organization, lead kick off meetings, who will help champion a new culture of web governance.

For full position description and to apply visit: Senior Digital Products Manager<>

Luz Marina Alvaré  |  Deputy Division Director,  Communications and Knowledge Management Division |  International Food Policy Research Institute  |<>
2033 K Street N.W., Washington DC 20006|  Tel: +1 202 862 5614  |  Fax: +1 202 467 4439
Email: l.alvare at<mailto:l.alvare at>  |  Skype: lmalvare or ifprihomeoffice


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