Call for Participation: LITA UX IG Meeting at ALA 2015

Kim, Bohyun bkim at HSHSL.UMARYLAND.EDU
Fri May 22 09:38:42 EDT 2015

*Apologies for cross-posting!*

Call for Participation: LITA UX IG Meeting at ALA 2015

The LITA User Experience IG seeks 2-3 short presentations (10-15 minutes) on UX and Web usability for the upcoming 2015 ALA Annual Conference. This will be a physical meeting, and so the physical attendance for the ALA Annual Conference in San Francisco is required for the presentation and/or attendance for this meeting. (Sorry, all travel expenses are the responsibility of the attendee.)

The LITA UX IG is also seeking the suggestions for discussion topics, things you have been working on, plan to work, or want to work on in terms of UX/Usability. All suggestions and presentation topics are welcome and will be given consideration for presentation and discussion.

At the meeting, we will also take volunteers who will moderate the UX Twitter Chat<> by the LITA UX IG and Weave and/or who are interested in participating into organizing more meetings for the UX IG.

Please submit your topic below in the comments section of the CFP post in ALA Connect ( and also e-mail us off-the-list.

Please add your thoughts and ideas in the comments!

Meeting Details

Title: LITA User Experience IG Meeting
Date & Time: Monday, June 29, 2015 - 3-4 PM
Location: Hotel NIkko Golden Gate<>


Bohyun Kim, LITA UX IG chair bkim at<mailto:bkim at>
Rachel Clark, LITA UX IG vice-chair rachael.clark at<mailto:rachael.clark at>


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