a request for help from CONTENTdm users on this list

Peter MacDonald pmacdona at HAMILTON.EDU
Fri Sep 12 10:16:11 EDT 2014

Thomas Dowling is correct. The way to go is with a CSS tweak.

Create and upload a custom CSS file using CONTENTdm's Website Configuration
tool that has just the following code:

.accordion_header {

This will push down the accordion block below the EAD block and the bottom
of your EAD should show up then.

The .accordion_header style element, which is part of CONTENTdm's CSS file
"main.css", already has the property "position: relative" in it so if you
add "top:20px" it should push down the accordion block below it.

Peter MacDonald


Peter MacDonald
Library Information Systems Specialist
Hamilton College Library
315 859-4493
Skype: pmacdona-hamilton

On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 9:10 AM, Thomas Dowling <dowlintp at wfu.edu> wrote:

> This has the feel of someone trying to be a little too precise with
> over-complicated CSS, and not quite getting it right for cross-browser,
> cross-platform solutions.  There are a lot of pixel-based measurements in
> the main.css file, which always rings alarm bells for me.
> I'd suggest commenting out anything in the CSS that touches the div
> containing the text and the div below it.  Disable stuff until you have the
> text displaying right, and then start re-enabling one directive at a time
> until you see which one breaks it.
> On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 2:11 PM, Roy <roy.zimmer at wmich.edu> wrote:
>>  Hi all:
>> I know this isn't exactly the right list for this message, but the
>> CONTENTdm list doesn't exist, and we're hoping to reach a large audience
>> for this.
>> Here at Western Michigan University we've been having a problem with
>> CONTENTdm EAD finding aids for about two and a half years now. When
>> scrolling to the bottom of certain EAD documents, it doesn’t always show
>> the entire document and will often cut off the last few lines. Attached is
>> an example from one of Grand Valley State University's finding aids, which
>> can also be found at this link:
>> http://cdm16015.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/compoundobject/collection/p15068coll2/id/1181
>> We are using an example from GVSU’s website as we do not have a public
>> facing example of this problem. Note that when the finding aid is scrolled
>> the entire way down, the body is still cut off on the bottom.
>> We have reported to CONTENTdm several times about this problem and they
>> have refused to fix it so far. We are hoping to get enough organizations to
>> report this issue so that they will fix it. Please help us by documenting
>> this problem yourself and filing a report or request to fix it.
>> It would be nice if you dropped me a line if you also report this issue,
>> so that we can get an idea how many have the same issue.
>> Please bear in mind that I don't know anything about CONTENTdm myself,
>> having been asked to post this on several lists. If you do have questions,
>> I'll pass them on on my end for further action.
>> Thank you,
>> Roy Zimmer
>> roy.zimmer at wmich.edu
>> Western Michigan University Libraries, Systems Office
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> --
> Thomas Dowling
> Director of Technologies, Z. Smith Reynolds Library
> Wake Forest University
> LITA Forum, Albuquerque, 11/5-11/8 - Are you going?
> dowlintp at wfu.edu / 336-758-5797
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