Mac drive cloning (was: Re: [WEB4LIB] hosted business software for libraries)

Cary Gordon listuser at CHILLCO.COM
Thu Oct 10 12:32:13 EDT 2013

I highly recommend SuperDuper for Mac drive backup and copying.



On Oct 9, 2013, at 12:36 PM, Thomas Bennett <bennetttm at APPSTATE.EDU> wrote:

> If you only use WEB access for Google Drive then nothing below has any affect on WEB access only.
> I recently had an issue with Google Drive while upgrading to a larger and SSD drive on my MAC Book, using Carbon Copy Clone [CCC].
>   Unlike Dropbox and maybe others, Google Drive uses inodes instead of just directory paths which means essentially that you cannot just copy a google drive folder and have it synchronized automatically.  I had to (important) rename the original Google Drive folder and then reinstall Google Drive and then wait for it to synchronize over 5,000 files over about 24 hours, meaning I also had to go in to the menu and say retry the ones that failed. 
> If you do not rename the original Google Drive folder you get duplicate files like myfile01, myfile01(1)m myfile02, myfile02(1), etc.  because they are different inodes.
> I expect there might be other cases where this may cause a problem like copying files to another computer and then installing Google Drive.
> This is from a discussion concerning Google Drive and CCC
> "Google Drive keeps a database at /Users/yourname/Library/Application Support/Google/Drive/snapshot.db. This database records, among other things, the inode number of your Google Drive folder. File and folder inodes are physical addresses that indicate where within the filesystem a particular file resides."
> I am not using Office 365 it is just next door, but Chris is using that office, my office is 366, really. ;-)
> Tom
> ====================================================
> Support Request                                            
> ====================================================
> Thomas McMillan Grant Bennett           Appalachian State University
> Operations & Systems Analyst            P O Box 32026
> University Library                                Boone, North Carolina 28608
> (828) 262 6587
> Library Systems                    
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