Rare Book School: XML in Action: Creating TEI Texts

Roy Tennant roytennant at GMAIL.COM
Fri Mar 1 13:16:25 EST 2013

Rare Book School invites applications for course L-70: XML in Action:
Creating TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) Texts. "XML in Action" is a
practical exploration of the  creation, preservation, and use of
electronic texts and their associated images  in the humanities, with
a special focus on special collections materials.

This course is aimed primarily  (although not exclusively) at
librarians, publishers, and scholars keen to develop,  use, publish,
and control electronic texts for library, research, scholarly
communication, or teaching purposes.

The week will center around the  creation of a set of archival-quality
etexts and digital images (probably 18th  and 19th century letters,
which are short enough to allow each  participant to take an entire
document through all its creation stages during  the course).

Topics include: XML tagging and  conversion; using the Text Encoding
Initiative (TEI) Guidelines; Unicode; metadata  issues (including a
discussion of METS and Open Archives Initiative  harvesting), project
planning and funding; and the manipulation of XML texts  using
stylesheets for re-publishing HTML, in ebook formats, and in PDF.

The course is taught by David Seaman, Associate Librarian for
Information Management at Dartmouth College Library, where his areas
of responsibility include the Jones Media Center, the Digital Library
Technologies Group, Preservation Services, the Book Arts Workshop,
Digital Production, and the Dartmouth College Records Management
program. Prior to moving to New Hampshire in December 2006, he was the
Executive Director of the Digital Library Federation (DLF), an
international consortium of major academic libraries. David went to
the DLF in July 2002 from the Electronic Text Center at the University
of Virginia Library, where he was the Center’s founding Director
(1992-2002). In this role, he oversaw the creation of online texts,
images, and e-books, and helped develop scholarly communities who make
innovative use of these new materials and tools. David has lectured
and published extensively in the fields of humanities computing and
digital libraries, and has taught various Special Collections
digitization and XML courses at Rare Book School at the University of
Virginia since 1993.

For more information, visit the RBS website at www.rarebookschool.org


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