VuFind 2.0 Released

Demian Katz demian.katz at VILLANOVA.EDU
Mon Jun 24 07:28:13 EDT 2013

Apologies for cross-posting....



VuFind 2.0 Released

Villanova, Pennsylvania - June 24, 2013 - Version 2.0 of the VuFind Open Source discovery software has just been released. This stable release, more than two years in the making, marks the production-readiness of the redesigned software.

In addition to the improved architecture and functionality demonstrated by earlier preview releases of 2.0, this version includes a few significant new features:

- The underlying Solr index has been upgraded to version 4.2.1, which offers many new features and greatly improved memory management.

- Google Analytics support is now available through a simple configuration setting.

- Support for new RDA cataloging has been improved.

- Language auto-detection is now available for international users.

Additionally, several bug fixes and minor improvements have been incorporated.

Questions about the new release or VuFind in general can be directed to Demian Katz, the lead developer of the project at Villanova University.

Demian Katz
demian.katz at
Villanova University
Falvey Memorial Library
800 Lancaster Avenue
Villanova, PA 19085



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