mobile websites

Junior Tidal JTidal at CITYTECH.CUNY.EDU
Thu Jun 6 15:23:45 EDT 2013

I created a separate site using Drupal 7 and their jQuery module and theme - 

An earlier iteration used a Drupal 6 module that converted the site into a more mobile friendly format, but it turned into a disaster. It loaded up every page very mobile friendly, but we realized that we don't need to serve every page on the site. 

For our eResources collections, I wrote a PHP script to automatically update the mobile site whenever the desktop site has new databases added to it. 

The current mobile version serves the most used pages and information, based on our Google Analytics stats. 


Junior Tidal
Assistant Professor
Web Services and Multimedia Librarian
New York City College of Technology, CUNY 
300 Jay Street, Rm A434
Brooklyn, NY 11201

>>> Lori Bell <lbell927 at YAHOO.COM> 6/6/2013 2:02 PM >>>
Hi, I wondered what tools people were using to develop mobile websites that
they are pleased with. Is anyone using an automatic conversion program or a template of some type?  Thanks for any info you can send Lori


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