OCLC Research > Free Program > MOOCs and Libraries: Massive Opportunity or Overwhelming Challenge? > March 18-19 2013 > University of Pennsylvania

Norma Jean Hewlett hewlett at USFCA.EDU
Wed Jan 23 15:59:42 EST 2013

Will these presentations be streamed online? This sounds very interesting.
Jean Hewlett
University of San Francisco
hewlett at usfca.edu

On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 12:13 PM, McKiernan, Gerard [LIB] <
gerrymck at iastate.edu> wrote:

>  Colleagues/
>  If you're interested, please register ASAP !
>  /Gerry
>  This meeting will feature thoughtful and provocative presentations about
> how libraries are already getting involved with MOOCs, and engage attendees
> in discussions about strategic opportunities and challenges going forward.
>  MOOCs, or Massive Open Online Courses, have become all the rage, with
> numerous institutions joining forces with Coursera, edX, FutureLearn, and
> other providers. The Babson Survey Research Group recently found that
> although 55 percent of institutions said they were undecided about their
> plans for offering MOOCs, 9.4 percent said they were in the planning stages
> of offering one, and 2.6 percent have already taken the plunge;  the same
> survey showed the number of students taking at least one course online has
> reached an all-time high of 32 percent.
>  Please join OCLC Research and the University of Pennsylvania Libraries
> for thoughtful and provocative presentations about how libraries are
> already getting involved with MOOCs. Whether your institution is already on
> board or on the fence, you’ll learn from the pioneers how library content
> and services can be represented in these new learning environments, and
> about opportunities for new discussions with partners in supporting
> learning on campus. Potential themes include:
>  *Copyright, licensing, open access*
>  As courses are being offered online to a diverse and geographically
> distributed audience, what are the challenges for licensing and clearing
> copyright for materials used in courses? Are there opportunities for
> advancing the conversation on open access with faculty?
>  *Production & pedagogy*
>  How libraries and academic support offices contribute to MOOC-related
> course production options—a view on how technology helps and hinders, and
> how pedagogy may need to shift in a new environment. What are we learning
> about teaching, what works, and what doesn't?
>  *Embedded librarians: what can happen when librarians go behind the
> lines in a MOOC?*
>  As we learn about new platforms and new modes of working, librarians are
> going into the trenches to see for themselves how MOOCs work. How do
> library resources and research skills fit into this new and evolving
> picture? What can we learn from the data we can mine from these platforms?
>  *Who are the masses? A view of the audience*
>  MOOCs are drawing thousands and even hundreds of thousands of attendees.
> What do we know about these learners? What might we discover? How might we
> change as a result?
>  Additional meeting details will be available soon, but register now to
> secure your spot at this free event >
>  *Schedule *
>  *Monday, 18 March*
>  MOOCs and Libraries Day  >  1 Meeting
>  1:00-5:00 PM
>  Reception for attendees, Van Pelt-Dietrich Library
>  5:00 PM
>  *Tuesday, 19 Mar*ch
> MOOCs and Libraries Day > 2 Meeting
>  9:00 AM - Noon
>  [snip]
>  Links to Source, Registratiom, and Contact Avaliable Via
>  [
> http://alternative-educate.blogspot.com/2013/01/oclc-research-free-program-moocs-and.html
>  ]
>  Gerry McKiernan
> Associate Professor
> and
> Science and Technology Librarian
> Iowa State University
> 152 Parks Library
> Ames IA 50011
>  http://alternative-educate.blogspot.com/
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