Online Conference - HTML5 & CSS3

Christine Peterson peterson at AMIGOS.ORG
Thu Jan 10 23:43:41 EST 2013

Title: HTML5 and CSS3: Ready for Prime Time?
Date: Friday, February 8, 2013
Information and Registration:

We have been hearing about HTML5 for a number of years; CSS3 for just a bit less. It seems that new modules appear often and changes to modules even more frequently. How will we know when they are ready to use? Will the changes ever end so these recommendations become stable?

Yes - and soon! The feature set for HTML5 is now complete; with more testing, this W3C recommendation should become an official Web standard in 2014. As for CSS3, some modules are already Web standards and ready to be used; others in candidate status are very stable and should become Web standards soon.

But are they ready to be used now? Many say yes and have websites to support their claims. Join us as a few of your colleagues demonstrate that yes, both HTML5 and CSS3 can be used today to help you provide a device-independent, responsive website.

We are fortunate to have Christopher Schmitt, web designer, speaker, and author, provide our keynote address. Christopher has been active on the Web since 1993, focusing on web design and standards. Well-known for titles such as the HTML Cookbook, the CSS Cookbook, and Adapting to Web Standards, he also is a member of the Web Standards Project and has founded Heat Vision, a small new media publishing and design firm. He will give us an overview of where we've been, where we are . . . and where we're going!

If you have questions, please direct them to Christine Peterson, peterson at<mailto:peterson at>, 800-843-8482 x2891. See you there!

Christine Peterson
Continuing Education Librarian
Amigos Library Services, Inc.
800-843-8482 x2891
peterson at<mailto:peterson at>


HTML5 and CSS3: Ready for Prime Time?
February 8, 2013 (online)


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