4th Code4Lib North May 23-24, Toronto

Cynthia Ng cynthia.s.ng at GMAIL.COM
Fri Apr 26 12:46:46 EDT 2013

Apologies for cross posting.

Hi everyone,

This is a reminder that the 4th Code4Lib North unconference is fast
approaching, and that we only have 14 spaces left for attendees!

This year we're trying something a little different, and considering an
untheme around the concept of "computational thinking".  We want to
encourage coders and non-coders to mingle together and learn from each
other -- so tech-services-types and others are especially welcome.

If you haven't registered yet, now's the time.  If you've registered but
haven't signed up for a talk, now's the time.  If you have an idea for a
hackfest, workshop, or breakout discussion, now is definitely the time.

When: May 23 & 24, 2013

Where: Ryerson University, Toronto, ON at Heaslip House

Format: 2 full days – morning presentations, afternoon workshops/hackfest

Sign up to present 5 or 20 min talk, or to lead/facilitate a hackfest or

All other information is on the wiki page: http://bit.ly/c4ln2013

Schedule and socials will be posted as they get hammered out.

Register here: http://c4ln2013.eventbrite.ca/



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