2 week course on DIY usability testing

Blakiston, Rebecca blakistonr at U.LIBRARY.ARIZONA.EDU
Mon Sep 10 11:30:23 EDT 2012

Next month, from October 15th-28th, I will be teaching an asynchronous Do-It-Yourself Usability Testing<http://libraryjuiceacademy.com/001-usability-testing.php> course. This is appropriate for anyone who is interested in conducting usability testing in-house with little (or no) budget.

In this very practical, hands-on course, you will:

*         Create personas that represent your target audiences

*         Write primary tasks for each persona

*         Write sample scenarios that reflect the primary tasks

*         Identify what primary tasks you want to test

*         Write non-leading scenarios for usability testing

*         Acquire incentives

*         Select a time and location for testing

*         Recruit a note taker

*         Identify computer(s) to use for testing

*         Recruit participants

*         Conduct a usability test

*         Interpret results of a usability test

*         Make decisions based on the results of a usability test

*         Develop a plan for ongoing usability testing

*         Understand other options for gathering user input, including card sorting, ethnographic field studies, and surveys
See the course overview<http://libraryjuiceacademy.com/001-usability-testing.php>, let me know if you have any questions, and help me spread the word!



Rebecca Blakiston
Instructional Services Librarian
Website Product Manager
University of Arizona Libraries
blakistonr at u.library.arizona.edu<mailto:blakistonr at u.library.arizona.edu>
(520) 307-2834


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