DSpace on Amazon Web Services EC2?

Bruce Jensen flaco.jensen at GMAIL.COM
Sun Nov 4 11:40:43 EST 2012

Hi folks
Librarian + programmer Yan Han of the U of Arizona runs the Afghanistan
Digital Collections<http://www.afghandata.org:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1>,
a DSpace repository, on the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. Kevin Gilbertson
et al. at Wake Forest also have their
DSpace<http://wakespace.lib.wfu.edu/jspui/>on EC2.

Do you know of other such use cases, or have you experimented with this
yourself? It's an attractive model in our situation, where we don't have
access to the hardware and support needed to run a repository.


Bruce Jensen
Librarian, Rohrbach Library
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Tel  610-683-4766
Txt  956-605-3176
rjensen at kutztown.edu<https://owa.kutztown.edu/owa/redir.aspx?C=xDED_IKIuUKZFyoItYyK-eRUmFMVjs9INpRH8hL01g5fSRBObG479wybA4UrOn0wUaD04mUFNro.&URL=mailto%3arjensen%40kutztown.edu>


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