"Library Terms" website updated, archived

John Kupersmith jkup at JKUP.NET
Fri Mar 2 16:44:24 EST 2012

Web4Lib, Usability4Lib (apologies for cross posting) --

The "Library Terms That Users Understand" website, sometimes mentioned in
these discussions, is now 10 years old.  While it's still relevant and
useful, I believe it has pretty much made its point.

So, I've updated the resource list and condensed the site into a single
page.  It's still available, but won't be updated with new material.


Also, since my personal website won't be up forever, this page has been
permanently archived in the University of California eScholarship
repository.  I encourage folks to point links or bookmarks to this URL:


Many thanks to everyone who has contributed data to this effort!

  John Kupersmith
  Reference Librarian, Doe/Moffitt Libraries
  University of California, Berkeley
  jkup at jkup.net


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