1 Position -- Argonne National Laboratory

Lepzelter Berry, Carol G. clepzelter at ANL.GOV
Mon Jan 23 17:28:11 EST 2012

Title: Associate Electronics Resources Librarian
Division: Computing and Information Systems
Requisition: 318750

Basic Purpose
Responsible for the citation impact data analysis and generating statistical reports that report on the citation impact of Argonne-produced publications. Provides support services for library reference, interlibrary loan, and digital services. Facilitates user access to scientific and technical information in the library.

Knowledge, Skills and Experience
Knowledge of scientific/technical information resources (e.g. Web of Science, IEEE Xplore, SciFinder; Science Direct) and knowledge of citation metrics tools and techniques (e.g., h-index, Impact Factor, Eigenfactor, Journal Citation Reports and InCites); Skill in analyzing data from a variety of sources and creating statistical reports that reflect that analysis. Skill in conducting citation impact analyses and publication assessments. Knowledge of content, format and search strategies of bibliographic databases and electronic information resources; XML, HTML, Drupal, relational database structures, data taxonomies, digital repositories, emerging web standards and technologies including Open URL and link resolution software.

Graduate degree in library and/or information science. BA/BS in a scientific discipline or computer science preferred. Due to this position's responsibilities requiring full access to library databases and specialized collection, which do contain Official Use Only and other unclassified controlled information, U.S. citizenship is required.

Go to http://www.anl.gov/jobsearch/detail.jsp?userreqid=318750+CIS&lsBrowse=ALL  to apply

We will consider someone graduating in the Spring.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to email me.

Argonne National Laboratory is 25 miles SW of Chicago.

carol lepzelter berry 
 senior electronic resources librarian
clepzelter at anl.gov
argonne national laboratory
"One should always keep an open mind, but not one that is so open that your brains drop out." 
-- Carl Sagan


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