FW: edUi Early Bird Deadline

Blakiston, Rebecca blakistonr at U.LIBRARY.ARIZONA.EDU
Wed Aug 8 11:11:42 EDT 2012

Just a reminder that the deadline for the early bird registration rate for edUi is this Friday. Hope to see other library folks there!



Rebecca Blakiston
Instructional Services Librarian
Website Product Manager
University of Arizona Libraries
blakistonr at u.library.arizona.edu
(520) 307-2834

From: EdUI Conference [mailto:info at eduiconf.org]
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2012 7:02 AM
Subject: edUi Early Bird Deadline

edUi Speakers,

The early bird deadline for edUi is coming up this Friday. We'd greatly appreciate you spreading the word among your social networks, and on any email lists you subscribe to.

Prices go up from $450 to $550 on Friday, so this is a great chance for folks to save a little money and hear from some of the leaders in the web ux community.





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