QR Codes

Steffen Schilke steffen.schilke at GMAIL.COM
Sun Apr 15 11:02:50 EDT 2012

Dear Max,

On Sun, Apr 15, 2012 at 3:21 PM, Max Anderson <maxlibris at gmail.com> wrote:

> ...

> What I tend to see missing from where QR Codes are placed: instructions on
> how to actually use them.

I created a little flyer to telling the people how to use it:
http://www.scribd.com/doc/82531164/How-to-scan-QR-Code - on other flyer's
we have a line saying "Download a QR Code reader app at you smartphone's
app store"

> With RedLaser, you can now (with the new release) take a photo of the QR
> Code and read it that way if you want. What I see people doing, is taking a
> photo of the QR code with their phone and no software to read it, and
> become disappointed because nothing happened.
Quickmark and QRdroid can decode from image as well. Quickmark can even
switch on the light
of the camera to scan in the dark ;-)

> This man wants them to 'die' altogether:
> http://gigaom.com/2012/02/09/this-man-wants-to-kill-qr-codes-can-he-do-it/
Who cares what this guy says?!?

> I am not ready to discount them 100% - I think a little education (which
> is what we are good at as librarians) and advocacy to help people see the
> good about them...and then let the chips fall where they may.
If you scan in public people get interested and ask what you do - what
about conducting a small survey via a poster at the entrance and make a
little drawing to get people interested. A scanvenger hunt - especially new
students could be lured in by there first visit to the library / library

Kind regards


PS. question about QR Code are always welcome


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