[Web4lib] Call for Participation – ALA Annual, 2011

kcordes at nypl.org kcordes at nypl.org
Sat Mar 5 15:59:32 EST 2011

Call for Participation – ALA Annual, 2011
The RUSA MARS Hot Topics in Electronic Reference Discussion Group would

like to know:

How are we measuring up? Using new technologies to schedule, standardize,

and assess reference services.

Has your library used new technologies or innovative methods to measure,

review, or modify electronic and other reference services and locations?

Are you looking for an opportunity to present at ALA?  If so, we’re seeking

panelists for our upcoming program at ALA Annual 2011: “How are we

measuring up? Using new technologies to schedule, standardize, and assess

reference services.”

Our committee is looking for presenters to demonstrate a variety of

inventive, original, or efficient ways to study and accommodate changes in

user preferences, locations, and modes of communication when seeking

reference and research services.  Presentations are in panel format, but

are relatively informal and are intended to jumpstart discussion among the

attendees.  The program will be held Saturday, June 25th, 2011 from 10:30am

– 12:00pm at the ALA Annual conference in New Orleans, LA (room and exact

location TBD).  If you are interested in serving as a panelist, please

contact Matt Torrence (torrence at usf.edu) with a short (<400 words) summary

or proposal by April 22nd, 2011. The committee will notify all potential

speakers by April 29th.  We’re flexible on the final number for our panel,

but expect 3-4 speakers with 15-20 minutes each.

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