[Web4lib] 1er virtual Meeting of Software IBM from June 14 to June 17 of 10:00 to 13:00 hours.Free Inscription

maria maria maewestunica at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 12 08:10:51 EDT 2011

Dear all,I think this Virtual Meeting of SW may be of your interest.
MarĂ­a E.

1er virtual Meeting of Software IBM from June 14 to June 17 of 10:00 to 13:00 hours.
Free inscription

     There will be delivered to the assistants a diploma of participation of 8 school hours

     Inscriptions: http: // www.ibm.com/software/es/encuentrovirtual/2011

       A technical event in which, for four days, the specialists of IBM's Software will be present in more than 100 conferences divided in 7 rooms, according to areas of managerial interest.
 It is a question of a point of virtual meeting in which,
 besides the technical presentations, the assistants will have access to zones of exhibition, they will be able to realize live questions to the experts of IBM's Software and to interact in areas of networking with other participants in the event.
 The Areas of presentation: Capture and storage of information, integration of applications and systems, strategies of Social Business, management of the life cycles of the products, etc.

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