[Web4lib] Custom search box question

Robert Balliot rballiot at gmail.com
Fri Jun 10 09:18:09 EDT 2011

I was able to connect to your link. But, could you embed a geographically
restricted WorldCat search along with three separate links to the disparate
systems until there is a uniform OPAC solution?  That way you would have a
fairly good collective search  - along with all of the inherent strengths of
the OPACs.

R. Balliot

On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 9:04 AM, Nicholas Bennyhoff <
nicholasbennyhoff at lcls.org> wrote:

> Our library system is about to merge with 3 others. In this new system,
> there will (for a while, at least), be 4 separate OPACs from different
> ILSs.
> I've been trying to develop a single search box that will send a keyword
> search to one of the OPACs, selected with a drop-down menu.
> I have the basics, but the searches aren't completing correctly in any of
> them.
> One of the wrinkles is that there are 3 different ILSs involved. One OPAC
> is
> Innovative's Millennium WebPAC Pro, two are SirsiDynix Horizon, and one is
> Dynix Classic.
> I have the code to do a search box that will search the Millennium and
> Dynix
> Classic OPACs using a drop-down to select different indexes in those OPACs,
> and I might have it for the Horizon as well - if not, it shouldn't be hard
> to get.
> I was just wondering if anyone has attempted something similar.
> Here's a link to the test box in our Millennium staging port, so you can
> see
> what I've done so far:
> http://webcat.lcls.org:2082/search
> Any ideas or assistance would be appreciated.
> Nick
> -----
> Nicholas T. Bennyhoff
> Technology Development Manager
> Lewis & Clark Library System
> Edwardsville, IL 62025
> (618) 656-3216 ext.106
> nicholasbennyhoff at lcls.org
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