WIKI software

Nina Mchale milehighbrarian at GMAIL.COM
Fri Dec 30 14:13:06 EST 2011

I've found MediaWiki and PBWorks both very useful.

At my last job (academic library ~60 librarians/staff), we used a local
installation of MediaWiki as our intranet. Recent releases of MediaWiki
have vastly improved its ability to handle Office documents (i.e., upload
and download them), which was really the only thing people did not like
about it. (I encouraged people to write things IN the wiki rather than in
Word documents loaded to the wiki, but sometimes, a longer report,
document, or manual just made more sense to maintain as a Word document).
There are also a number of handy extensions; we made good use of the LDAP
authentication and a few others. They're easy to install and activate, and
while you have to edit a PHP file, no programming knowledge is necessary.

A hosted instance of PBWorks might work very nicely for you since you're a
small bunch of folks; I've used it to manage editorial projects with
mutiple authors for a journal and now for a book. One benefit it has over
MediaWiki is autosave--folks would occasionally lose content in MediaWiki
because it doesn't have autosave--and its file and folder handling
capabilities are more like a drive on a computer. If you go with a hosted
solution, you don't need to worry about maintenance, either.



Nina McHale, MA/MSLS
Facebook & Twitter: @ninermac

On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 11:10 AM, Kristi Bryant <kbryant at>wrote:

> Hoping to receive suggestions for  free wiki software that could be used
> by our small public library (10 employees) to communicate with each other
> about internal matters, websites, training resources, etc.****
> ** **
> Thanks and Happy New Year!****
> ** **
> Kristi Bryant****
> Reference and Technology Librarian****
> Wells Public Library****
> Wells, Maine  04090****
> 207-646-8181 ext. 205****
> e-mail:  kbryant at****
> web:****
> ** **
> "Google can bring you back 100,000 answers, a librarian can bring you back
> the right one."  Neil Gaiman****
> ** **
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