[Web4lib] introducing minerazzi.com - new Scholarly search engine for librarians, researchers, teachers, and students.

Jorge Serrano Cobos jorgeserrano at gmail.com
Wed Apr 6 03:31:40 EDT 2011

Hi there!

If you want to give a try, request a Beta Test Invite, going to

<http://www.minerazzi.com/>I copy/paste from Dr. E. Garcia (
http://www.miislita.com) you can read about on his famous
http://www.miislita.com/irw/ir-watch.html "Information Retrieval Newsletter"
(is well known within the SEO community, explaining algorithms, etc.):

"This is a research project conducted in association with several scholars
and the private sector. I have to disclose that I have a biased opinion
since I’m the project PI.

What is minerazzi?
minerazzi [mayh-neraht-see] is a scholarly search engine, designed by and
for scholars to search for miners. That is, it is a search engine for
librarians, researchers, teachers, and students. It is currently in beta and
available only to beta testers. It will be eventually be made accessible to
the public. Initially, we developed minerazzi to be a text mining tool, but
we quickly found that it could be turned into a search architecture.

In the context of the project, a miner is a search interface with direct
access to multiple databases. Databases can be part of university sites,
school libraries, search engines, directories, searchable websites, or
entire social networks. minerazzi is aimed at organizing searchable
resources into easy-to-use interfaces. Resources can then be queried all at
once or one at a timeAdditional information about the project is available

Have fun!

Jorge Serrano-Cobos



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