[Web4lib] eReader Security

Tom Peters tapinformation at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 28 13:42:23 EDT 2010

I'm currently listening to Blaise Dierks from the River Forest PL in Illinois 
speak at the SCRLC online ebook conference.  They're currently circulating 
Kindles and Sony Readers.  No chained eReaders, as far as I know.  

Tom Peters, CEO 
TAP Information Services 
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From: Ryan Claringbole <rclaringbole at gmail.com>
To: web4lib at webjunction.org
Sent: Tue, September 28, 2010 12:27:43 PM
Subject: [Web4lib] eReader Security

I believe the first time I sent this it bounced back.  If you're getting
this for the second time I apologize.

Hello, Everyone

I was wondering if any of you put our eReaders to be used by patrons, and if
you do: which eReaders do you put out (do you put more than 1 kind out?)
and, more importantly, what security measures have you enacted?  Is the
eReader device secured by wire, bolted to something, etc??  Any help you can
give is appreciated!!  Thank you.
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