[Web4lib] Drupal on libraries spanish book

Jesús Tramullas tramullas at unizar.es
Tue Mar 30 12:06:11 EDT 2010

Dear colleagues:

We are pleased to announce the access and download of the book which 
compiles experiences shared inside the 1st meeting of Drupal users in 
libraries, archives and information services hold on may 2009 in the 
FESABID (Federacion Española de Sociedades de Archivística, 
Biblioteconomía, Documentación y Museística) Conference (Zaragoza, Spain).



Best Regards,

Dr. J. Tramullas
"Nunca la bandera arriada"
Ernest Shackleton

Dr. Jesús Tramullas
Dept. Ciencias Documentación // Information Sciences Dep.
Universidad de Zaragoza 50009 Zaragoza (España)

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