[Web4lib] Thanks... SMS to Chat help

Brian Gray mindspiral at gmail.com
Wed Jun 30 13:09:25 EDT 2010

I think Google Voice went public in the last 2 weeks. It is not an
invitation process anymore.

Brian Gray
mindspiral at gmail.com
bcg8 at case.edu

On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 10:47 AM, Jennifer Heise <jenne.heise at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi! LibraryH3lp (chat reference service) has an integrated gateway that can
> connect to Google Voice to pick up SMS text messages sent to your Google
> Voice number.
> Google Voice is a free service but you have to have an invite (we had to
> request one then wait about 6 months for ours). You have a single number
> that can be directed to ring at one or more regular numbers (my roommate is
> setting this up for us at home so we can have a 'contact phone number' to
> give out that will ring for all our cell phones and land line.
> Google Voice, obviously, also accepts SMS/Chat messages at that number.
> When you have set up a GoogleVoice gateway in your LibraryH3lp account,
> Texts sent to that GoogleVoice account will show up in the LibraryH3lp
> chat;
> if no librarian is logged on to LibraryH3lp when the text is received, it
> just pops up as soon as someone logs in. We've found that the incoming
> (from
> cell phone to LibraryH3lp) path is somewhat slow-- up to 30 minutes; but
> the
> outgoing message from LibraryH3lp to the user's cell phone is quite swift.
> [You can also use your regular Gchat to send and respond to SMS messages
> (option you can turn on in Google Labs), but my friends have found that the
> outgoing messages are often lost if you send out through Gchat.]
> -- Jenne Heise
> On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 6:00 PM, Christa E. Van Herreweghe <
> Christa at ucpl.lib.mo.us> wrote:
> > Hmmm, I'm not familiar with Google Voice.  What are you doing with it
> > specifically?
> >
> >
> > Christa Van Herreweghe
> > IT/Reference Librarian
> > University City Public Library
> > www.ucpl.lib.mo.us

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