[Web4lib] ALA sessions: HoLTalk and Emerging Trends: Virtualization in Libraries

Sanchez, Edward edward.sanchez at marquette.edu
Thu Jun 10 22:42:15 EDT 2010

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Please join LITA: Heads of Library Technology (HoLT) for two exciting sessions at ALA Annual

Heads of Library Technology Interest Group Meeting 
When:  Sunday, June 27th (10:30 AM - 12:00 PM)
Where: Hilton Washington,  Room Independence

Featuring HoLTalk, a roundtable discussion among library technology leaders, managers, and users concerning trend identification, planning, implementation, and maintenance of technology in a variety of library settings. 
Emerging Technologies: Virtualization in Libraries
When:  Monday, June 28th (10:30 AM - 12:00 PM)
Where: Washington Convention Center, Room 143B/C

A panel presentation on the use of virtualization technologies in large research, mid-size, and public libraries to reduce costs and staffing, improve reliability and security, and contribute to green initiatives.  Speakers will represent a variety of backgrounds and types of libraries and will describe how virtualization in their setting is related to other emerging technologies such as cloud computing and identity management.  Following the panel presentation, time will be available for questions and discussion. 

Featured panelists are:  Dave Pcolar, Systems Specialist for University Libraries at UNC Chapel Hill; Stu Baker, Associate University Librarian for Library Technology at Northwestern University; and Matthew Hamilton, Library Innovation and Technology Manager at Boulder Public Library. 


Edward L. Sanchez
Coordinator of Library Information Technology 
Marquette University 
1355 West Wisconsin Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53201-3141
(414) 288-6043
Vice Chair/Chair Elect - Heads of Library Technology (HoLT) Interest Group

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