[Web4lib] CMS/DAMS - EAD

Leo Robert Klein leo at leoklein.com
Fri Feb 19 11:18:19 EST 2010

Acronym language is fun!

CMS - Content Management System (your website comes out of a database)
DAM - Digital Asset Management (solves the problem of what to do if 
someone drops 50k scans of some publication on your doorstep)
EAD - Encoded Archival Description - (markup language for encoding 
finding aids.


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www.leoklein.com (site)
www.ChicagoLibrarian.com (blog)

aim/msn/yhoo/goog: 'leorobertklein'
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Margaret Gross wrote:
> Dear colleagues
> It seems that we like talking in acronym language. 
> I would love to understand the following 2, about which there are current threads on web4lib.
> Please excuse my ignorance.
> thanks

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