[Web4lib] Facebook

Leo Robert Klein leo at leoklein.com
Thu Sep 10 10:22:14 EDT 2009

John Fereira wrote:
> Christine Zeitler wrote:
>> One of the academic libraries at which I work is attempting to decide if
>> they want to use Facebook to interact with the students.  
> I think that the more important question here is whether students want 
> to use Facebook to interact with libraries.

Good point but increasingly it seems as if Facebook is more an entry 
point for various types of communication, including friends of course, 
but also professional and personal interests.

I mean, just looking at my own list, I've got the Chicago Historical 
Society, a couple of my old schools and something called 'Static FBML' 
whose meaning I honestly can't remember.

Assuming a similar collection (adjusted for age) on the part of our 
users and I don't think it's too exotic if the library starts banging on 
their Facebook door as well.


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www.leoklein.com (site)
www.ChicagoLibrarian.com (blog)

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