[Web4lib] Content Management

Thomas Crichlow thomas.crichlow at duke.edu
Fri Oct 16 14:10:51 EDT 2009

We use Cascade Server by http://www.hannonhill.com/ It is a commercial 
product with a lot of capability out of the box. But you would still need 
to spend a lot of time creating templates, etc. It makes extensive use of 
xml, xsl, but it does support php and jsp. Hannon Hill has an extensive 
Knowledge Base (http://www.hannonhill.com/kb/) and seems to do an okay job 
of supporting and updating the product.

We had previously used Zope/Plone and experimented with 
Dreamweaver/Contribute, but have been much happier with Cascade Server.

We also use WordPress http://wordpress.org/ and have found it easy to use 
in building small sites quickly. Although it is open source, it actually 
seems easier to use than some commercial products. It has strong community 
support. Jim Groom (http://jimgroom.net/) has really pushed the envelope 
with a related product called WordPress MU. He has posted a FAQ here: 
http://bavatuesdays.com/faq-for-universities-interested-in-wpmu/  Not sure 
WordPress would work well for an entire library site, but it would be okay 
for a smaller site or a micro site in addition to being excellent for 
traditional blogs.

We are thinking about exploring Drupal for a number of projects, but 
haven't gotten beyond an initial installation.


  Thomas Crichlow, Digital Projects Consultant
  Digital Projects Department, Perkins Library, Duke University
  Blog: http://library.duke.edu/blogs/digital-collections/

  Phone: 919.660.6932
  E-mail: thomas.crichlow at duke.edu
  IM: tcrich at jabber.duke.edu

> Megan Gurney <mgurney at chipublib.org> 
> 10/16/09 12:42 PM
> To "web4lib at webjunction.org" <web4lib at webjunction.org>
> Subject: [Web4lib] Content Management
> What content management system is used by your library?
> We need to migrate from Serena Collage and are starting to look at 
possible CMS's to use.  Mid-tier, php, asset management.  We do not really 
have the staff on hand right now (and not for the forseeable future) for 
an open source product.
> Thanks,
> Megan
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