[Web4lib] A Library to Last Forever - NY Times OpEd piece on GoogleBook Search

K.G. Schneider kgs at bluehighways.com
Sat Oct 10 07:21:44 EDT 2009

> Sergey Brin, co-founder and technology president of Google, has an opinion
> piece on Google Book Search in the NY Times:
> http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/09/opinion/09brin.html
> Bernie Sloan

As I've pointed out in other forums (Twitter, Facebook), you can kibosh the
tearjerking example of the Stanford report that is no more with a quick
WorldCat search, which surfaces 4 copies. Since WorldCat is a subset of
all-the-books-that-are, it's possible there are even more copies than that.
I don't dispute the reality that books disappear and digitization is
important (by... someone...), but it's a pretty amazing thing to be too big
to be fact-checked.

Karen G. Schneider

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