[Web4lib] CFP reminder / Dempsey speaking at / emtacl10: Emerging technologies in academic libraries
Brekel, AJP van den (med)
a.j.p.van.den.brekel at med.umcg.nl
Tue Oct 6 08:20:49 EDT 2009
We are pleased to announce Lorcan Dempsey as opening keynote
speaker at the conference. Lorcan is Vice President and Chief
Strategist of the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC).
It is also time to remind you that the deadline for submitting
abstracts is Thursday 15 October.
emtacl10 — emerging technologies in academic libraries
International conference on emerging technologies in academic libraries
26–28 April 2010, Trondheim, Norway
Call for papers
Emerging technologies and evolving user behaviour change the rules of
the game for academic libraries. Emerging technologies include new ways
of using existing technologies and totally new, disruptive technologies.
Examples include:
- social networks
- (micro)blogging
- news services and aggregation
- cloud computing
- sharing and mashups
- mobile web
- location awareness
This is a new international conference for academic librarians,
information professionals, academic staff, students, library system
developers and suppliers, among others. The conference aims to provide
answers to the following questions: What can academic libraries do to
address change? How can we adapt? Which technologies can/should/must we
use/create? The conference is hosted by NTNU Library, the Library of the
Norwegian university of science and technology in Trondheim, Norway.
The programme committee invites original presentations and posters
taking one or more of the following perspectives as a point of
- Semantic web library
- New (information) literacies
- Supporting research in a changing age
- Organizational change within the library
- Analysis of user behaviour and using statistics in Library 2.0
- New services/old services in new clothes
- Best practices for the adaptive academic library
- Other relevant perspectives on emerging technologies
We invite submission of:
- Research papers presenting theoretical solutions, but with a clear
illustration on how these solutions can be applied in libraries
- Position papers presenting opinions on some aspect of practice,
or describing work that is still in progress, but sufficiently
mature to warrant attention
- Experiences and case studies specifying requirements, challenges,
or opportunities of applying emerging technologies in libraries
- Comparison with alternative or competing approaches using
conventional technologies
- Best practices for implementing emerging technologies in libraries
- Assessment of the costs and benefits of the application of emerging
technologies, e.g. time and cost of implementation and deployment,
integration with legacy IT systems, user acceptance, returns on
Abstract submission instructions:
Please use the submission form at
to submit your paper or poster, including
- personal details
- additional presenter details
- presentation title and abstract.
Abstract length should not exceed 2500 characters. Please note that the
language of the conference will be English, and therefore the committee
will only accept submissions in this language.
All submitted abstracts will be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Contributions will be made public through the NTNU e-publishing service,
and accepted authors will be invited to supply full papers for this
purpose. Papers are primarily requested in pdf format, conforming to
further formatting details at the submission website. We do however
welcome suggestions for alternative formats in cases where pdf is
unsuitable, e.g. for non-textual contributions.
Important dates:
Abstract submission: 15 October 2009
Notification of acceptance/rejection: 1 December 2009
Authors should confirm their participation: 15 December 2009
Submission of publishing-ready paper: 1 March 2010
Conference dates: 26–28 April 2010
For additional information, please visit the conference website:
http://www.emtacl.com or email us emtacl at ub.ntnu.no
Karen Johanne Buset (organizing committee chair)
Ole Husby (program committee chair)
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