[Web4lib] Pre-Book PC Booking & Reservation Software

Lovemore Mangena lovemangena at gmail.com
Thu Mar 26 04:26:07 EDT 2009

Dear All,

I am working for a university library. We need to urgently set up a
system where student patrons can book for the PCs that they use to
surf the Net. We want to try out the Open Source Userful Pre-Book
software. However, we're struggling to get the "server" download since
the provided link "http://www2.userful.com/userful-pcres/XMLRPC" is
not working. Can someone help me with the following:
1 - A working link where I can get the server download
2 - An alternative, (EASY TO INSTALL & USE) Open Source booking system.

Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.



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