[Web4lib] creating a dynamic search box

John Fitzgibbon jfitzgibbon at Galwaylibrary.ie
Mon Jun 15 11:25:06 EDT 2009


Google, Amazon and Ebay all use a dynamic search box. As you type characters into the search box, words from a database which match what has been typed appear as suggestions.

How is this achieved? I know it depends on JavaScript. When JavaScript is disabled it stops working. It also needs a live connection to a database. When working offline the dynamic search box stops working.

Are there any websites which discuss this feature in more detail?

Any help would be much appreciated.



John Fitzgibbon

w: www.galwaylibrary.ie

e: info at galwaylibrary.ie

p: 00 353 91 562471

f: 00 353 91 565039

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