[Web4lib] NISO Webinar on January 14: Digital Preservation: Current Efforts

Cynthia Hodgson chodgson at niso.org
Tue Jan 6 10:18:32 EST 2009

NISO's 2009 webinar series will kick-off on January 14 (1:00 - 2:30 p.m. 
Eastern Time) with "Digital Preservation: Current Efforts". Preservation 
of digital content is an ongoing and iterative process. The actions we 
take now could have profound implications for the availability of 
digital content for future generations. This webinar will show three 
projects -- an international, a national, and a local preservation 
initiative -- that will highlight for attendees some of the 
opportunities and challenges particular to digital content preservation.

Speakers and topics are:

Introduction by Mary Alice Baish, Director, Government Relations Office, 
American Association of Law Libraries (AALL).

Digital Preservation: The Stanford Digital Repository by Keith Johnson, 
Stanford Digital Repository Preservation Architect

CLOCKSS, A Global Archive: Libraries and Publishers Preserving the Past 
for the Future by Victoria Reich, CLOCKSS Board member and Director, 
LOCKSS Program, Stanford University Libraries

Going from Zero to Live with an Automated Digital Preservation System: 
Planning, Process and Results Based on the New Zealand Experience by 
Carl Grant, President, Ex Libris North America

A Q&A period will conclude the webinar.

Visit the event webpage (http://www.niso.org/news/events/2009/digpres09) 
for more information and to register. NISO member rate is $79. NASIG 
members may register at the NISO rate. Non-member rate is $99 and 
students may register at $39. International rates (outside US and 
Canada) include a call-in number.

ExLibris is generously sponsoring this webinar.

The complete 2009 schedule of NISO in-person education events and 
webinars is listed on the NISO website at: 

Included in 2009 is a regular monthly webinar to be held on the second 
Wednesday of each month. Attendees can register for individual sessions 
or can purchase a subscription package for the webinar series. Those who 
have plans to participate in multiple webinars have the benefit of 
pre-paying for three and receiving admission to a fourth at no charge. 
Registration for the entire 2009 webinar schedule enables the 
participant to receive 50% off the registration price for the entire 
scheduled series of 12. Visit http://www.niso.org/news/events/2009/ to 
subscribe to a webinar series.

[This message has been cross-posted.]

Cynthia Hodgson
NISO Technical Editor Consultant
National Information Standards Organization
Email: chodgson at niso.org <mailto:chodgson at niso.org>
Phone: 301-654-2512

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